Tips for Representing Yourself in Divorce

Representing yourself in a divorce is a significant undertaking that requires careful consideration, research and preparation. Whether you have no prior experience with the legal system or find yourself dealing with a former spouse, Pro Se representation can be a feasible and empowering path, provided you are equipped with the right information.

In this article, we’ll explore the essentials of how to represent yourself in a divorce. From understanding the intricacies of family court proceedings to deciphering legal jargon, we’ll delve into what you need to know to navigate the complexities of divorce without the assistance of legal representation. It is important to understand that if you choose to undertake your own representation, it is highly recommended that you consult an attorney, your local family law facilitators office or engage other professionals that can give you guidance and education.

One Step at a Time

Representing yourself in a divorce involves a series of steps that demand your careful attention. From the initial paperwork to ongoing communication via mail and email, each phase of the process requires a methodical approach. Here are a few important things to consider:  

  1. Pro Se Responsibilities and Expectations – Although obvious, being an attorney comes with significant responsibilities, including adhering to the rules of the court and civil procedure. This means you need to know and pay attention to filing deadlines, rules of evidence, the court process, and more. While judges are usually “gentler” on pro se parties, you are still held to those requirements. If something goes wrong in your case, the fact that you’re not an attorney cannot be used as an excuse.
  2. Understand the Long-Term Impact – Family law and divorces involve more than just paperwork. There are many long-term implications to consider as well. The biggest mistake Pro Se Litigants make is not getting proper guidance to understand the implications of their decisions. 
  3. Check Your Mail – All court correspondence, including documents from your spouse’s attorney and notices from the judge, will be sent to your mailing address unless other arrangements have been made. It is your responsibility to keep your mailing address current with the court, your spouse and/or your spouse’s attorney. In fact, if you fail to regularly check your mail, you could miss important paperwork, deadlines, or in some cases, the chance to oppose a grant from your spouse.
  4. Check Your Email – Today, most judges, clerks, and even the Court Administration use email and electronic filing (e-filing). While pro se parties currently do not have to e-file documents, you might need to respond to emails regarding scheduling hearings or other administrative issues. Therefore, it is your responsibility to check your email regularly.
  5. Social Media – Social media can be problematic for someone going through a divorce for several reasons. Posts, pictures, and comments are often used as evidence in divorce proceedings. For example, if children are involved in your divorce, everything you post on the internet will be open to scrutiny in a custody proceeding. Furthermore, social media posts can be taken out of context or misunderstood and be used to mischaracterize your behavior and intentions.
  6. Family Law is Procedural – It is important to understand not only the big picture but the intricacies that are a part of family law. The biggest error people make as Pro Se Litigants is not understanding the many procedures or steps that must be followed. Educate yourself but most importantly be willing to pay for proper assistance. Doing it right the first time is key as mistakes can be costly to fix later.

At Green Giraffe Legal, our goal is to provide you with the tools to make well-informed decisions, ensuring that you are not only aware of your rights but also capable of asserting them effectively. We offer practical advice and guidance, breaking down the procedural aspects of divorce, and empowering you to tackle each step with confidence.

Help When and Where You Need it Most

While the decision to represent yourself in divorce proceedings may seem like a solitary path, it does not mean you are entirely on your own. At Green Giraffe Legal, we offer unbundled legal services, offering support precisely where and when you need it most. With unbundled services, you have a flexible option that can be a valuable resource on your Pre Se journey.

If you need help with self-representation, Green Giraffe Legal will support you every step of the way. Empower yourself and ensure you are well-prepared to assert your rights and navigate the complexities of divorce on your terms.