Double income, no kids (DINK) divorce

“Dual income, no kids” or DINK is an acronym for a household in which there are two (dual) incomes and no children. When a DINK couple decides to divorce it is less complicated because kids are not involved and often the parties are self-supporting. Which means they typically have fewer complex issues to address making it easier to dissolve their marriage.

In an uncontested divorce spouses have a variety of options to address the issues required to end their marriage, such as division of property and spousal support.   Usually, there is no need for court appearances or trial. Typically, an uncontested divorce can be a simple divorce that is faster and more affordable.

If you are in a dual income, no dependents relationship, and are getting divorced, an uncontested divorce may be your best option.

Divorce without the drama

For couples with high assets or marriages of long duration, there can be some complexities that are better addressed by an attorney.  Mediation is often a good option, for these couples. Keys to a successful mediation:

  • Make sure your mediator is an experienced family law attorney.
  • Cost benefit analysis, giving up dollars in mediation typically is still a win if you consider the cost of going to court with an attorney.  Be willing to compromise.
  • Make sure that prior to entering any negotiations you and your spouse have filed a Petition/Response, completed your financial disclosures and filed all appropriate documents with the court.
  • Keep copies of all of your divorce paperwork so if you need to consult with a separate attorney you have the appropriate documents to do so.

In situations with no kids, minimal property, assets and debts, and a duration of marriage less than 10 years, a couple might consider a default divorce with agreement.

Typically, these are done by companies that offer flat fee or low cost divorce options. Both spouses will be required to complete and exchange financial disclosures regarding their property, income and expenses. These documents include a declaration of disclosure, schedule of assets and debts or property disclosure, supporting documentation to validate your disclosures, pay stubs or other income verification and tax returns from the last two years. This step is the most time consuming and important step in your divorce as it lays the foundation for your marital settlement agreement.

The next step is to draft and complete your judicial council forms for your judgment and accompanying marital settlement agreement. While many flat fee divorce companies will use court forms and basic language, it is recommended that you use a company that has an attorney draft your marital settlement agreement. This settlement lays out the terms of your separation, including how you and your spouse will divide joint property and assets. Additionally, it assigns your separate property. It is the key document to protect you from further disputes and divorce litigation.

DINK couples looking for simple divorce options without complications should speak to a qualified divorce attorney before they commit to the terms of their settlement. Or at the very least have their final Judgment documents drafted by an attorney. Your friends and family are good support networks, but they simply do not have the understanding of divorce laws or the knowledge an attorney might bring to your situation.

Moving forward

For financially independent couples an uncontested divorce in which you opt to settle matters outside of a courtroom is a great option. Not only are they faster alternatives with virtually no court hearings but the costs are lower because you are not litigating issues.

Whether you are divorcing for the first time or on your second divorce Green Giraffe Legal Services is the perfect fit for your DINK divorce. We offer flat-fee divorce, mediation and unbundled legal services which streamline the divorce process and give you control over your legal fees. All of our marital settlement agreements are drafted by experienced family law attorneys and if mediation is needed our attorneys can efficiently handle helping you and your spouse resolve your issues.